Home Arts & Entertainment Cuesta concert contributes to student scholarship fund

Cuesta concert contributes to student scholarship fund

Photo taken by Garrett Smiley.

By Garrett Smiley
Features Editor

Cuesta faculty are rocking out for students, playing classical, jazz and folk tunes at the cultural performing arts center.

Jennifer Martin, interim coordinator of the CPAC and host of the night’s event, entertained what was almost a full house in the venue on Feb. 10.

“When I first started here, I had a student that had a child, I had learned that that student was living out of her car,” Martin said. “I decided that the school had to give some money to students who don’t have a great opportunity.”

All proceeds from the concert are given out as scholarships to Cuesta students, and it is done completely without federal funding, Martin said.

Shortly after, Martin introduced various musicians that were also faculty members of Cuesta College.

The event consisted of an assortment of instruments and musicians alike, including vocalists like Marcy Irving, Cassandra Tarantino and Chad Ruyle.

Instruments ranged from a bass flute to the electric guitar. Martin even demonstrated a little bit of “Stairway to Heaven” as she was preparing her guitar.

Students gathered to support their instructors that were performing, whistling and clapping from the back of the CPAC auditorium.

Locals were able to gather and enjoy music, especially knowing that the revenue goes to a good cause.

“This is amazing,” Shirley White, a San Luis Obispo native said. “My favorite part was the two guys playing on the bass!”

Others found the event stimulating as well as a great activity for a Friday night.

“I think that this is very intriguing,” Dwight Panter, a SLO native said. “I don’t play an instrument, personally, but I appreciate music.”

Students attended the concert, enjoying the sight of their professors operate with a common goal, to perform good music.

“I thought it was really cool to see the teachers interact on stage together,” said Kendra Laguilles, a Cuesta student. “Instead of just seeing them one on one in a classroom.”