Home Arts & Entertainment Paintball tickets for sale on San Luis Obispo campus

Paintball tickets for sale on San Luis Obispo campus


Photo by Alexander Bissell/Cuestonian

By Rachel Barnes
News Editor

Gladiator paintball is on the San Luis Obispo campus selling tickets to their park, as well as The Shack paintball park in Santa Maria.

Tickets are on sale in front of the library for $5. The price includes a full day of admission to either park as well as safety equipment. According to Shiloh Simpson, the representative on campus, these tickets are usually sold for $30.

“If you go out with a group of 10 or more you’d be a team,” Simpson said. She encourages buying multiple tickets so friend groups can enjoy the day together.

Since the ticket includes full day admission, there will be multiple games available during the day.

“You can play as many or as few games as you want to throughout the course of the day,” Simpson said.

Paintballs and air are not included in the ticket price and must be bought at the location.

Tickets will be available until 3 p.m. Sept. 26.