Home News A familiar face to Cuesta is officially made the new dean

A familiar face to Cuesta is officially made the new dean


By Garrett Smiley
Features Editor

Cuesta College’s former interim dean, Madeline Medeiros, was officially made dean of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Medeiros has been with Cuesta College for 16 years, serving roles as a teacher, a department chair, the interim dean of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences and now the full-time dean.

Medeiros taught English as a second language, a passion that she learned that she wanted to do by teaching English in South Korea.

This was when she learned that she wanted to serve at the community college level, because that is where people need her.

“It ultimately comes down to supporting our students,” Medeiros said. “It’s all about the students.”

Medeiros then served five years as a division chair at Cuesta College. She was chair of Student Development and Success Division, which includes English as a Second Language and College Success Studies.

“I bring a faculty perspective to an administrative position,” Medeiros said. “And I think that faculty members appreciate that.”

In the nine months that Medeiros served as interim dean she said that there has been a “learning curve,” but overall the transition has been smooth.

“My job is to support faculty so they can do their best work,” Medeiros said. “That’s my primary job.”