Home News Cuesta College to become a smoke-free campus

Cuesta College to become a smoke-free campus


Cuesta College will officially transition to a tobacco-free campus at the beginning of next year.
Photo by Alexander Bissel/Photo and Video Chief/Cuestonian

By Clara Applegarth
Features Editor

Effective Jan. 1, 2019, both Cuesta College campuses will officially be smoke and tobacco free.

This includes vaping, or any products that are smoked in designated areas, including parking lots.

“After talking to our students, staff and faculty, we developed a policy that will restrict smoking of any sort of tobacco product on all District property and locations where the District provides services,” said Cherie Moore, nutrition instructor and tobacco free task force member.

“The official policy was approved by the college’s Board of Trustees in December of 2017, allowing us to transform the college into a healthier learning and working environment for all who step foot onto campus,” she added in a press release.

This project began when Cuesta was given a $7,500 Tobacco-Free campus grant by the Truth Initiative, a national non-profit organization whose goal is to educate those about the tragic effects of tobacco products.

On April 25, the San Luis Obispo campus held a “Pick Up The Butts” event to clean up any discarded cigarette butts on campus, as well as educated students and faculty about the benefits of a tobacco-free lifestyle.

“I’m already in the process of quitting,” said Brian Williams, a Cuesta art major. “I’m all for it, it’s just another reason not to smoke.”

“The task force will be starting to strategically put up signs to prepare students about the new policy,” said Media Relations Coordinator, Lauren Millbourne.

In addition to approaching a smoke free campus, Cuesta has also paired up with San Luis Obispo County Public Health Department and is offering a six week course that started April 11 and will end May 6 in room 2758.

The course will teach students and the public about how to begin quitting and the health benefits of going tobacco and smoke free.