Home Arts & Entertainment SLO NightWriters Club’s writing contest continues through May

SLO NightWriters Club’s writing contest continues through May

Photo by slonightwriters.org

The San Luis Obispo NightWriters organization, a local club dedicated to the cultivation and enhancement of local writing abilities, is hosting their annual Golden Hill Writing contest, with entries accepted until May 31.

The theme for this year’s contest will center around masks. Whether the mask be a literal or figurative aspect of the story, SLO Nightwriters club encourages contestants to use their creativity to craft a unique submission.

Accepted submission genres are short stories between 1,000 to 2,000 words, nonfiction/memoirs at 1,000 to 2,000 words, and poetry at a maximum of 60 lines. Contest Director Judith Amber said the contest will be open to both members and non members of the club, so long as the contestant is a member of San Luis Obispo County.

Prize awards are determined by the number of writers submitting entries. The entry fee is $10 for members and $20 for non members.

The possibility of an in-person awards ceremony is still up for consideration. Additional information on entry and formatting can be found at the SLO Nightwriters website.