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Cuesta’s marketing team brings home four state awards


Cuesta College Marketing team won four awards from the Community College Public Relations Organization .
Photo/courtesy /of Cuesta Marketing / Source[Cuestonian]

Allison Turner
Opinion Editor

The Community College Public Relations Organization recently honored Cuesta College’s Marketing and Communications departments with four state awards.

Out of the organizations record-setting 400 entries from the 114 California Community Colleges, Cuesta received awards for website, brochure, magazine, and logo redesign.

“Year after year, our marketing and communications department staff are recognized statewide for their excellent work in branding and publicizing the college,” said Shannon Hill, Cuesta executive director of foundation/advancement. “Their goal is to ensure that the public, students, and employees stay informed, and our programs are well advertised.”

The college received a 1st place award for its updated website design and layout, a 1st place award for the 2017-18 Harold J Miossi Art Gallery brochure, a 3rd place award for the Fall 2017 Cuesta college News, and a 3rd place award for the 2017 redesigned logo for “College for kids.”

For more information, visit Cuesta’s Marketing and Communications Department website.