Home Features Book of the year

Book of the year


Emily Fagenstrom
Staff Writer

Héctor Tobar, author of The Barbarian Nurseries and weekly columnist for Los Angeles Times, will be visiting Cuesta College for a book signing and lecture.

Héctor Tobar is an award winning novelist and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist who was a National and Foreign Correspondent for the L.A. Times.

He is the son of Guatemalan immigrants and has written countless newspaper stories for Los Angeles Times and has written many essays.

Tobar also has a MFA in Creative Writing at the prestigious fictions writing program at UC Irvine.

He wrote his book, The Barbarian Nurseries covering issues from mixed marriages, to race and class. This recent book won the 2012 California Book Award gold medal for fiction and was named a New York Times Notable Book for 2011.

Denise Fourie,a member of the book of the year committee at Cuesta College, shares Héctor Tobar’s ability to be an engaging speaker and the gratitude of having him speak with Cuesta students. “He should have a lot to share about the art of writing, careers in journalism, and the topic of immigrants–all of which he is very passionate about.”

Located at the SLO campus in the Cuesta Cultural and Performing Arts Center, on Tuesday, March 15 5 to 7p.m.
Tickets are $5 and students are admitted free; available online through http://www.cpactickets.cuesta.edu.