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Native American History Month Presents…


Photo courtesy of the Department of Defense

Upcoming events for the month of November…

  • Salinan Ethnobotany Presentation – November 2, 12-1:00 pm, Cultural Center (5104a)
  • Documentary Screening: Race -The Power of Illusion – November 6, 12-1:00 pm, Cultural Center (5104a)
  • Donuts & Dialogue: America’s Native Prisoners of War – November 7, 11-12:00 pm, Cultural Center (51074a)
  • Documentary Screening: Indian School: Stories of Survival – November 13, 12-1:00 pm, Cultural Center (5104a)
  • Standing Rock Panel & Presentation – November 14, 12-2:00 pm, Room 5401 – lunch provided
Native American Heritage Month
Photo by The Library of Congress