Home Features Annual volunteer award nominations for 2017

Annual volunteer award nominations for 2017


By Diego Chavez and Lizzy West

It is time to send in your nominations for three awards being given out by the Cuesta College Foundation.

If you know of any student or faculty member that should be awarded for their service here at Cuesta College, such as helping students reach their personal goals, volunteering or service in the classroom, then you can now nominate them for their magnificent work.

The awards are for students, faculty and members of the surrounding community who have contributed to the bettering of the campus.

The John Schaub Student Volunteer Award is named for the college’s first Dean of Students, who helped students reach success. This award is for students who embody high standards of volunteerism.

The Betty Nielson Volunteer of the Year Award, given in memory of the College Trustee, is open to any community member, foundation board of director or college retiree who reflects her spirit for service here at the college and in the community.

The Dr. Merlin E. Eisenbise Service in the Classroom Award recognizes direct service in the classroom and helping our students. This award is named for the District’s first Superintendent/President.

Winners will be honored at the Awards Luncheon, March 24, 2017.

Nominations are due Feb. 9, 2017 to the Cuesta College Foundation. Contact Katie Nellesen with questions at (805) 546-3279 ext. 2901