Home All Sports Meet Casey Blair: Cuesta Women’s Basketball head coach

Meet Casey Blair: Cuesta Women’s Basketball head coach

Cuesta Women's Basketball Head Coach Casey Blair
Cuesta Women's Basketball Head Coach Casey Blair. Photo by Cuesta College Athletics

Casey Blair was named Western State Conference Coach of the Year as Cuesta Women’s Basketball head coach. 

Blair, who began coaching this year, received the award following a 13-14 overall record. He had the team in playoff contention, but injury setbacks played a part in the team finishing 4th overall in the conference.

“From day one, my focus wasn’t on wins and losses but instead was on promoting a positive atmosphere that was conducive to learning,” Blair said. “It was installing a mindset of winning the day and becoming a better player, student, and citizen then you were the day before. That mistakes and failure will lead to success, so don’t be afraid to make them. I’m very proud of the fight and resilience from my players throughout the season, and the coach of the year award is a testament to their hard work and will.” 

Blair has been an assistant to the Cuesta Men’s Basketball team these past 13 years and was able to use his experience and knowledge to coach the women’s program and win the award.

Blair produced two first team all conference players: Olivia Missler and Julia Carney. Missler spoke highly of her coach. She wasn’t planning on playing basketball past high school, but Blair restored her love of playing the game.

“He is level headed, smart, and patient,” Missler said. “He asks his players questions, and listens to every suggestion we have. His passion for the game of basketball is clear in how he coached us, day in and day out. We were met with some tough circumstances, and he was steady through all of it.”

Coach Blair says the future is bright for this team, and is hopeful of breaking the 40 year drought of a conference title for the Lady Cougars by taking the same approach of winning the day on a daily basis.