Home Breaking News The Cuestonian’s newsroom is back in action

The Cuestonian’s newsroom is back in action


It’s been a few months since The Cuestonian has been around to bring you all the vital news surrounding our campus and community. 

However, after a short summer break, we’re back in our virtual newsroom and writing stories for you once again!

We had many of our past student journalists move onward from Cuesta College last spring, and although our alumni are missed, we’ve got a stellar team for this fall. As always, the paper is headed by Professor Cyrus Saatsaz, along with this semester’s only veterans, Editor-in-Chief Aubrie Arndt and managing editor Daniel Burg. Nine new editors are ready to delve into their new roles here at The Cuestonian.

Our staff hasn’t been able to work in the newsroom on campus since March 2020 due to COVID-19. This means we haven’t been able to get together to create a physical newspaper either; however, for the past three semesters, we have prevailed. Despite another semester of Zoom calls, we’re excited to cover all sorts of news stories regarding both the campus and our community. This semester we even have editors covering new beats such as food, health and lifestyle, and automotive trends, which will make for some rather exciting and diverse story coverage!

The past year and a half has been anything but ordinary, and as student journalists it’s been an incredible learning experience. There’s never a lack of story ideas, and even with our paper being fully online, there’s never a dull moment! We’re excited to share our unbiased views surrounding Cuesta and San Luis Obispo with you, and hope to be your number one news source for this semester.

We’re looking forward to writing stories as soon as possible, but until then be sure to check out some of our archives. Don’t forget to follow us on our social media pages either to stay up to date!

Here’s to a great semester, Cuesta Cougars!

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Aubrie Arndt is currently a journalism student at Cuesta college, and is taking on the role as Editor-in-Chief here at The Cuestonian this semester. Originally from San Diego, she only moved to San Luis Obispo a little over two years ago after going through a major life change. She didn't decide to go back to school until the semester that COVID-19 broke out, and although challenging it is a decision she's glad she stuck with. Throughout her time at Cuesta she has been on the school newspaper multiple semesters, and taken a variety of photography classes. Outside of the classroom she dabbles with film photography, and recently even started selling prints of her work online. She also wrote for her own blog for several years and is bringing it back this Fall as a healthy outlet for her to share some of her passions, and has even had a bit of poetry published on online magazines. With a past in working with social media, marketing, and branding she's hoping to start putting out freelance work for a variety of publications this coming year. There are many things she'd like to accomplish in the next year, and is hopeful she will also be able to relocate to the Bay Area for school depending on how the pandemic evolves. Until then you can find her sharing her work online, out on solo road trips in her native state, taking photos with her favorite film cameras in tow, or hiding out at home watching films with her two feline companions.